Newbury Based House Moving Service
Year: <span>2021</span>

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10 Tips to Prepare a Fun and Stress-Free Move with Children

Are you going to be moving in the near future? If you answered yes to that question, and if you also happen to have children, you’ll want to take a look at these 10 tips to prepare a fun and stress-free move with children. With this advice, you’ll be able to get yourself and your kids through your move.

1. Talk to Your Kids About the Move

Moving can be difficult for young children, which is why you should try to prepare your kids by discussing the move with them ahead of time. Try to take a positive approach. Tell them about the place they’ll be moving to and the exciting new experiences they’ll get to have once they’re there.

Take the time to answer any questions your child might have and provide reassurance as needed. It’s likely that your child will have some worries. You can make things smoother for everyone if you address these concerns ahead of time.

2. Give Your Child the Chance to Sell Some of Their Things

It’s likely that you’ll want to get rid of old things prior to your moving day. Include your children in this and let them know they can sell some toys they no longer play with.

You can give your children the money from the sale and allow them to buy an item for their new room. This is a fun way to give gets some extra spending money and clear out closets at the same time.

3. Give Children a Chance to Spend Time with Friends

One of the biggest concerns many kids have about moving is that they’ll have to leave some of their closest friends behind. You can make things easier for your children by scheduling time to spend with friends.

You can also talk to your child about the ways they can stay in touch with their friends even after they’ve moved away. You may want to schedule a video chat or an online gaming session so that your kids can see that they can spend time with their friends without seeing them in person.

4. Include Kids in the Packing Process

Packing is a lot of work, especially when you have young children in the household. That’s why you should try to get your kids involved in the packing process.

Older children should be able to pack up many of the items in their room without adult supervision. While younger children will require some help from you, you should still try to include them. If your children help to pack up their things, it will be easier for them to find the items they want after moving day is over.

5. Hire Movers

If you have children in your household, preparing for a move can be a major struggle. You can make things much easier on yourself by hiring movers for a removals Newbury move. Professionals will be able to provide much-needed help and support on moving day. You’ll be able to manage your children’s needs, and the movers will be able to take care of other essentials.

6. Find Moving-Themed Media

If your children have never been through a move before, you may want to look for books, films, or television programmes that tackle this subject. It can be helpful for children to see other kids going through a move.

Moving is a topic that’s regularly tackled by children’s media, which means it shouldn’t be difficult for you to find useful resources. Make a point of showing your child media like this as the move draws near.

7. Visit the Area You’ll be Moving To

If possible, it may be helpful to take your children to the area you’re moving to. Walk around the town and view some of the shops. Take the time to play at a park.

If your child has the chance to see the things they’ll be able to enjoy after moving, they’ll be a lot more excited about moving day. In fact, your child may even volunteer to help pack.

8. Find Fun Activities to Keep Your Children Busy

You’ll need to look for effective ways to distract your children while you’re busy packing. You may want to sit them down with some colouring pages and crayons. Just make sure your kids won’t be colouring on the floors, walls, or furniture.

Electronics can also be an effective way to distract children when you have a lot to do. You might want to consider purchasing a new film or tablet game that they can play. That way, you’ll find it easy to keep kids occupied.

9. Pack a Suitcase

Make sure that some of your child’s belongings won’t be packed up into a box. You’ll want to leave some things in a suitcase so that your child will be able to access these items right away. While you’ll obviously want to have toiletries and clothing in this suitcase, this is also a wonderful place to keep some of your child’s favourite toys.

It’s likely that you won’t get through all of your unpacking immediately. You should make sure that your child will be able to find the things they need on their own. Pack up a suitcase containing the things you know they’ll be looking for.

10. Provide Children With Plenty of Reassurance

Even if you take plenty of steps to ensure that your move is fun, it’s possible that your kids will wind up feeling stressed and overwhelmed during the process. Don’t scold your child if this happens. Instead, reassure them and encourage them to feel excited about the move.

It’s normal to feel stressed on moving day. This is something that both children and adults struggle with. If you’re able to stay calm when your child is stressed, it will be easier for you to sort out the situation and get back to focusing on the move.

Moving is never easy, and it can be even more challenging when you have children to worry about. Thankfully, as you can see, there are a number of steps you can take to make a move with kids easy.